Browse Works
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Doggerland Channels: a generative sound-relief based on the ancient land which once linked Britain to the continent.The cartographic sound art installation for voice and data projection throws a net over the North Sea, revealing the rivers which used to connect us to the continent - when the Thames flowed into the Rhine. Doggerland Channels is a landscape whose borders are fluid, fluvial, in need of being retraced, and revealed for a translated experience of the site. Britain was last connected to Europe through the North Sea about 8000 years ago, and we can expect it to be reconnected during future glacial periods. By responding to the present, and the history of the site, the work questions our connection to the continent, and situates ourselves - as islanders - in this transitionary zone: our political exit from the EU.
Installed at Phoenix Art Space, Brighton for the first festival edition of Sound Art Brighton
2-6 March 2022