Swan (sax quartet)
David Lancaster
Oboe Chamber Music
"Throughout the past century, the oboe quartet and oboe quintet have proved to be particularly popular instrumentations for composers..."
An Interview with Alison Blunt
"I’m strongly aware of being musically inspired by every-day stuff, overheard or chance conversations in the street..."
Georgia Rodgers on Perceptions of Sound
'How I Compose' Series - II - Alex Nikiporenko
"I found it curious that I, an atheist living in the 21st century, was writing music for medieval instruments to be performed in a church."
In Memoriam
James Williamson
Colin Broom
Last edited by: SaM Editor
Assonance 4X4
Ben Lunn
String Quartet No. 2, 'Five Aspects of Spirit'
Malcolm Dedman