Music for Young Players - Introduction
An Interview with Sarah Gail Brand
"I had so much fun and felt so at home in this music... I knew immediately this was a music scene I wanted to be a part of."
'How I Compose' Series - IV - Martin Butler
"It felt experimental: seeing what would happen if I subjected strongly iconic musical ideas to somewhat mechanical, ‘alien’ treatments and procedures."
An Interview with Sue Lynch
"Improvisation to me is a journey each time, that is followed by a memory"
An Interview with Hannah Marshall
"Improvised music accepts extreme and absurd parts of all of us"
Elo Masing on Music and Movement
An Interview with Rachel Musson
"Immersing myself in free improvisation has given me a route back to myself."
An Interview with Alison Blunt
"I’m strongly aware of being musically inspired by every-day stuff, overheard or chance conversations in the street..."
An Interview with Maggie Nicols
"I’m quite interested in blurring the so-called right and left brain; what’s rational and what’s intuitive..."