

Sounds of... Durham

Composer, promoter, workshop facilitator and 2022 Sound and Music Composer-Curator participant Steven Chell tells us the Durham folk tale of the Lambton Worm, and walks us through how he uses it as a base inspiration for The Loathsome Worm, his music-making workshops for young composers.

'Thanking, and begging, her for music': Ethel Smyth, Vernon Lee, and queer musical community in the British Music Collection

A dedication in a book, reading "To Ethyl Smyth: thanking, and begging, her for music"

In celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month, we invited writers, researchers and thinkers to pitch us editorial on queer music, sounds and the people who make it. This article exploring queer links in the British musical history is by writer and researcher Frankie Dytor.

Thursley Presents...

To celebrate the launch of Discover - a new podcast created as part of the Digital Residency opportunity on the British Music Collection, we are delighted to share a selection of music brought to you by Thursley Radio.


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