Find out more about the British Music Collection and the women within it on Friday 11th March 4-6pm at Lerryn's Cafe, Peckham

British Music Collection Drop in Session

@Lerryn's Cafe, 200 Rye Lane, Peckham, London SE15 4NF

Friday 11th March 4-6pm

We are very excited to be holding a drop-in session at Lerryn's Cafe in Peckham on Friday 11th March 4-6pm as part of Women's History Month. Why not stop by and have a chat if you are interested in sound and music and would like to find out more about the British Music Collection and women's role within it.

This event is open to everybody but may be of particular interest to artists and creators. There will be opportunities to get involved by joining the collection, proposing a collaborative project, or curating a series of articles or exhibitions.

This event will feature sounds by the brilliant and varied women artists in the Collection; opportunities for writers/curators/artists; depressing data visualisations as well as of course the chance to just call in and find out more.

Here's a really brilliant exhibition by multi-media artist Poulomi Desai, celebrating the women artists in the British Music Collection for International Women's Day 2015.

For more info please email Harry, Creative Project Leader at Sound and Music, here.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Sound and Music


Drop In Session: Women's History Month