New Voices is a newly re-launched, annual composer support scheme that exists to raise the profile of the most talented and exciting new voices emerging in Britain today.

Call for Paid Participants - Facilitated Thinking Environment Session about the British Music Collection

Friday 15th May, 1-4pm, Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield

Do you care about the future of new music, and how best to open it up to as many people around the world as possible? Would you like to spend an afternoon discussing how music can be best preserved for future generations? Or do you have an interest in archives?

On Friday 15th May, 1-4pm Sound and Music is organising a facilitated thinking environment session to help us think about the future of the Collection for which we have a limited number of places available. This will take place at Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield, and will include an opportunity to physically explore the Collection.

We would like to open this up to interested individuals as well as to our existing networks. There is no eligibility criteria for this opportunity and no knowledge or experience is required, just an interest in taking part. We are able to pay a fee of £80 plus travel expenses within the UK (train, bus or car only). If you would like to be considered please send a short email to Harry at with a bit of information about yourself as well as a paragraph about why this appeals by noon Thursday 14th May. And of course if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Photo: Cover of Trevor Wishart Score from the British Music Collection



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