Browse Works
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A cantata for SATB choir & orchestra that explores the story of the ancient Sussex hill-figure, the Long Man of Wilmington.
Nine movements with lyrics by a varity of poets, interspersed with extracts of prose.
1) Up From The Hollow (A. Sawyer, 1928)
2) When You Rise (Akhenaten, 1330BC)
3) Keeping Watch (M. Cunningham, 1996)
4) Away, Away (Shelly, 1822) & I Have Been A Multitude of Shapes (Taliesin, 550AD)
5) Aeterne Rerum Conditor (St. Ambrose, 330AD)
6) You Shall be Drifted(Goethe, 1831)
7) Mystical Call of the Downland (G. Purslove, 1930)
8) Hymn to Diana (B. Jonson, 1600)
9) Midsummer Night on Wilmington (G. Martineau, 1924)
Funded by Arts Council England and the RVW Trust.
First performed by Harlequin Chamber Choir and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, March 7th 2020, conducted by Dr Amy Bebbington.