Browse Works
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Dreamscapes is a work for orchestra and 7-piece, offstage, brass ensemble that I wrote when I was an undergraduate music student at Leeds University. It was my first attempt at a large scale work. The original title was “Concentric Five”. There are five orchestral sections. Each one is longer than its predecessor and all five are preceded by a short section for the offstage brass group. It is a 12 note composition and all the pitch material was derived from an inversion matrix. There are five underlying pitch rows that are created from the five concentric circles that exist within the matrix, hence the original title. As far as I can remember, further matrices were created from these five main pitch rows. However, some 43 years later, I feel that the original title is not helpful. Having now listened to it properly thanks to the amazing software that we have today I feel that it is like a dream sequence with lots of rapidly changing colours and textures that seem to be disjunct yet also belong together. This realisation is from Sibelius 7.51 with NotePerformer 3 as the playback engine.