Additional Information
Modulation matrix
Figured Bass
Voice Leading, Pt. 1
Rules for the Construction of Melody
Cadence, Pt. 1 - Introduction
Common Root Progression in the Major and Minor Mode
Setting Words to Music
Three Types of Accent (dynamic, tonic, agogic)
Ornamentation, Pt. 1 (appoggiatura, mordents, trills, turns)
Note Values, Anacrusis or Upbeat
Four Types of Cadences, Pt. 2
Landini, Gypsy/Magyar, Authentic and Jazz Cadences
Four Types of Syncopation
Setting Words to Music
Composing Melodies
Classical Harmonic Folk Dance Progressions
Passamezzo Antico, Passamezzo Moderno, Romanesca, Bergamasca,
Chaconne and Passacaglia, Folia.
The Perception of Music
Frequency Rate and Musical Pitches
Four-Part Writing
Voice Leading, Pt. 2
Augmented Sixth Chords
The Neapolitan Sixth Chord
Chord Progressions & Creating Predictability
Chord Spacing in Vocal Polyphony
Four-Part Harmonisation
Harmonic Progressions and Occurrence of Probability in Tonal Music
Plato’s Musical Idealism
Seventh Chords
Creating Surprise - Schematic, Dynamic, Veridical, Conscious
Added Sixth Chords
Rhetoric & Music
Schematic Predictability
Monophony, Polyphony, Homophony, Heterophony, Freistimmigkeit, Antiphony
The Lament
String Instruments
Motive Structure
Four-Part Writing
Ornamentations, Pt. 2 (appoggiatura, trills, turns, mordent)
Statistical Properties of Music