Browse Works
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Recordare Domine, or, "On Ixion’s Wheel", Op.9 (A Prayer for Mercy)
For mixed a cappella choir (Quadruple SATB: SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB, with soloists)
From The Lamentations of Jeremiah (V: 1-5)
HEAD QUOTATION: "For those who have no voice"
POSTSCRIPT: "And in the end, we shall all be memories, one to another." So speaks the voice of Silence.
Recordare, Domine, quid acciderit nobis;
intuere et respice opprobrium nostrum.
Hæreditas nostra versa est ad alienos,
domus nostræ ad extraneos.
Pupilli facti sumus absque patre,
matres nostræ quasi viduæ.
Aquam nostram pecunia bibimus;
ligna nostra pretio comparavimus.
Cervicibus nostris minabamur,
lassis non dabatur requies.
Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us:
consider, and behold our reproach.
Our inheritance is turned to strangers.
our houses to aliens.
We are orphans and fatherless,
our mothers are as widows.
We have drunken our water for money;
our wood is sold unto us.
Our necks are under persecution:
we labour, and have no rest.
(Duration: ca.20’45”)